Pernah dengar Atkins diet? Aku pun tak pernah, tadi blogwalking sekejap terjumpe satu entry pasal Atkins diet. Aku pun apelagi terus search pasal Atkins Diet ni. Sebab utamanya ialah badan aku dah bertambah debab sekarang. BMI tak normal agaknye
In short, Atkins Diet ni approach dia tak susah sangat, ko boleh makan ape saje, as long as mestilah consume low-carbs punye food. Tapi ada basic rules yangSome rules to follow while going on Atkins Diet Induction:
- Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.
- Don’t skip your meals.
- Make a balanced combination of fat and protein (poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and red meat, as well as pure, natural fat in the form of butter, mayonnaise, olive oil, safflower, sunflower and other vegetable oils) to eat.
- Don’t consume carbohydrates more than 20 grams a day.
- Don’t use nuts and seeds in first 2 weeks.
- Avoid drinks with caffeine as coffee, tea, soft drinks.
- Get rid of constipation if you have. Mix a tablespoon or more of psyllium husks in water and drink daily or mix ground flaxseed into a shake or sprinkle wheat bran on a salad or vegetables.
- Take a good quantity of multivitamin with minerals but without iron daily.
- Use sweeteners (sucralose or saccharin) instead of sugar.
- Try to defeat your nibbling habit by taking some protein enrich snacks every time when you feel for.
- Try to avoid hidden carbs in gravies, sauces and dressings.
- Don’t use diet products without labeling "no carbohydrates."
- Chewing gum, breath mints, cough syrups and cough drops are also not good, as they contain sugar or other caloric sweeteners.
- Don’t go for sugarless, sugar-free or "no sugar added" products, as they indirectly provide extra carbohydrates.
- Add vegetables and green salads as more as possible in your daily diet, as they are actually low in carbohydrates.